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Moh Yaghoub

A new way to calculate...

The Calculator
What is the



Everything with one touch

No more left bound, right bound. Everything is given to you with just a click of a button. Every x-intercepts, maximums, minimums, or even intersections of two graphs are given to you with just one touch.


Input the way you want

In today's world, options are limited when it comes to inputting. With this calculator you can input the way you want through touch, vision, or voice. Touch is the most traditional way of inputting. Another way is through taking pictures. These two have been done by other companies to an incredible accuracy. However, by using this app not only you are not missing from these cool features, but you are getting something that has never been done before to this complexity. Voice input. This app recognizes simple and complex equations from your voice and gives you the results in a blink of an eye. If you are interested in the voice feature, check number 4, which goes into this idea deeper.

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"Exam Mode"


Exam Mode

We are living in the twenty first century with amazing and astonishing new technologies and discoveries. Our phones are much faster than a scientific calculator. Yet we have to pay hundreds of dollars to get one and be able to use it inside tests, exams, and contests. With this mode, the user is locked inside the calculator, so that they can not access or receive any type of data. However, changing an education system is challenging and can not be done by only one person. With your help we can spread this idea, get better technology during tests, and stop paying hundreds of dollars.


Smart Voice

Smart Voice. A new feature that has never been done by any company to this complexity. Earlier we talked about how you can input equations with your voice. Smart Voice takes everything to another level. Without touching your phone, you can find the x-intercepts, y-intercept, minimums, maximums, or the value of an equation. This is all done through your voice, and it is user friendly. You can input simple equations like 5*2+1-10/2 or complex equations like sin(x+log(x))-acos(x)*csc(5x^2-2), or whatever else you want! 

Not only that, but it also can show you the graph of that equation and the derivative, and also it can show x-intercepts, y-intercept, maximum, or minimums on that graph. 

You can even navigate through your calculator by using this feature. It is critical to note that you can save functions with the calculator and later on use the name of that function inside voice smart to input composite functions.



first calculator










input the way you want




in-app purchase


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